Physical Fitness

Build A Better You

Martial arts is truly a full-body workout. Martial arts builds muscles in all major muscle groups, including legs, arms and core. Improve flexibility, increase endurance, and build strength.

Unlock Your Motivation

Do you want to get fit, but have a hard time getting motivated or staying committed? Martial arts training is fun, fast-paced, and keeps you on your toes – anything but boring. You’ll also get the benefit of classmates training with you, helping keep you on track.

Burn Calories

Taekwondo is an high-intensity cardiovascular activity that involves a combination of kicking, punching, and jumping movements, as well as footwork and coordination. These movements can help to elevate your heart rate, increase your breathing rate, and boost your metabolism, all of which can contribute to calorie expenditure. The number of calories burned during a taekwondo workout can vary depending on factors such as your age, weight, intensity level, and experience. However, a general estimate is that a taekwondo workout can burn around 400-600 calories per class for an adult.

Come watch one of our self-defense classes, or try out a class for free!